Harry Varnavas Architects

Residency Project CYENS - WIP

Cyprus, 2024 (project started in 2017)

Spatial VR Intuitive, 2D to 3D 

    In this residency, the upcoming project is to represent the self-exploration in terms of spatial perception, multi-scale, VR, colours, sounds, cloud effect simulations, personal architectural painting and media materiality. After using a microscope to document nanoscale 2D spaces, I am exploring ways to make those into three-dimensional.
    This is a process that requires a mix of media and hardware technologies and the user intuitiveness to be developed.
    The presentation of the project and its outcome will be consisted of an exhibition and a VR multi-presence experience; which will take place in different places, galleries or museums. Each user will enter in the same terrain space […]
    The exhibition will present the first steps of this project and its progress. Fragment parts of the architectural painting. Then parts off the painting will be used for micro-scanned images. And an enlarged print of the scanned selected fragment (now digitalised terrain in the digital space).

Selected pieces from spatial paintings

Scaled fractions from spatial paintings

WIP Digital environment for multipresence VR users

︎Registriert bei der Kammer der Architekten und Ingenieurkonsulenten für Wien Niederösterreich und Burgenland (ZT:Kammer W/NÖ/B)

︎Registered at the Cyprus Scientific and Techhinical Chamber (ETEK)

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